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If you're looking for low-cost, high-profit wholesale tools and hardware for your store, you can't afford not to take a look at our items.  Our minimum order is low, and we sell in small lots, so you'll get a lot of value and variety for your money.

The majority of our items wholesale for well under a dollar, and can retail anywhere from 99 cents in a dollar store to $4.99 in a general store.  We also have more expensive tool sets and accessories, which can retail for up to $19.99.

Visit our on-line catalog and buy direct. Sales are wholesale only, with a $50 minimum order. We ship with a number of different carriers, and we will find the best method for your order, depending on the size of the order and your location.

We are one of the largest wholesale direct importers of general merchandise, and we've been in the wholesale tool industry for over 20 years, so our quality, selection, and prices are the best in the business. You will quickly see that our items are attractively packaged and offer incredible value to the end buyer. These are the keys to our success and yours.

To order, go to our online catalog now to see all we have to offer, and load up your cart.  Ordering is fast and easy. Get started now.

Bolts & Hinges



Cutting Tools

Drain Cleaners

Drill Bits

Electrical Accessories


Files & Rasps




Hex Keys

Hooks & Prongs


Magnetic Tools

Measuring Tapes

Misc. Tools

Over $1 Tools

Paint Supplies


Pry Bars & Pullers

Punches & Chisels

Rope & Twine

Safety Items



Sharpening Stones


Stretch Cords


Tool Boxes



Wire Brushes